
How to deal with autumn lethargy: affordable products to maintain energy

Many people experience the state of fatigue, loss of strength, lethargy in autumn.

In autumn, the human body begins to feel more and more acutely the lack of sunlight and the extension of that part of the day that takes place in the dark, as well as cold. As a result, his energy level drops – the body tends to sleep more, move less. All this contributes to the accumulation and preservation of resources that help to survive the difficult time of the year.

Meanwhile, we need to study and work, to do everyday household chores. Where can I find the right amount of energy?
Nutritionist Vasilisa Ponomareva said in an interview with MedikForum that

“certain foods help to become more cheerful.”
Pumpkin seeds. Good help against fatigue, as they contain many useful nutrients substances. These include high quality proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B1, B2, B5 and B6, and minerals such as manganese, copper, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. All of them support each other in functions, strengthen the immune system, give a lot of energy.

Bananas.An affordable product provides the body with potassium and carbohydrates, which gives it an energy boost. Bananas are also rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Fatty fish. Sardines and herring are affordable fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help fight inflammation. Severe lethargy, fatigue can be caused by inflammation in the body.

Nuts and seeds. Their consumption helps to cope with autumn lethargy due to a combination of good fats and proteins. In addition, they provide vitamins and minerals.

Experts told how to cope with the autumn blues

Dark chocolate. It contains theobromine, a substance that provides a burst of energy.

Eggs. One of the best energy products available, according to an expert. The protein and B vitamins in eggs contribute to a good tone throughout the day.

What foods relieve autumn drowsiness: endocrinologist Pavlova

Earlier, the portal wrote that increased fatigue can speak about hidden diseases.

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