If you no longer find the usual-looking sulfur in your ear, this may indicate your aging or a pathological process in the ear canal.
Doctors state that the color and consistency of bodily secretions can signal potential health problems – this applies to saliva, mucus, urine, stool, but not only.
Earwax can also tell you whether you need to worry about a state of health.< br>
If it is watery, has a greenish tint. With physical exertion that causes sweating, the discharge from the ear can also become somewhat watery, this is the result of sweat seeping into the ear and mixing with sulfur.
In other circumstances, watery, greenish, or dark yellow earwax may indicate an infection.
If it has a strong odor. When the middle part of the ear is damaged or infected, it can lead to a series of symptoms that doctors call “chronic otitis media.” One of its signs is a foul-smelling discharge from the ear.
There may also be problems with the sense of balance, ringing in the ears, a feeling that the ear is blocked.
If it leaks. >Infections or ruptures inside the eardrum can lead to the formation of an abnormal skin growth called cholesteatoma. This cyst-like structure contributes to the fact that the ear canal is filled with a variety of “garbage”. Instead of the sulfur to which you are accustomed, discharge may appear from the ear – in the form of a trickle or lumps.
Other symptoms of cholesteatoma are a feeling of pressure and pain in the ear.
If it has disappeared. There is such a pathology as obstructive keratitis – in her case, sulfur is not released from the ear, instead it accumulates abnormally deep inside until a very hard plug forms. With such a sign, you should definitely consult a doctor.
If it has become flaky. As you age, the glands of the body as a whole tend to dry out. When your earwax loses its usual oily appearance, becomes less moist and flaky, this most likely indicates physiological aging. cholesterol.