
Gastroenterologist Masharova pointed out the dangers of ice cream for the hearts of the elderly

ice cream
Gastroenterologist Antonina Masharova advised older people to eat such a product as ice cream with great care.

Gastroenterologist Masharova told in an interview how ice cream can harm the body of the elderly. In particular, the doctor pointed out that ice cream is harmful to the heart.

“Unlimited consumption of ice cream can provoke the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system in older people or worsen the course of existing heart pathologies,” gastroenterologist Antonina Masharova told Izvestia.
The physician drew attention to the fact that the need to digest cold foods increases the load on the digestive system. In this regard, older people are at a higher risk of gastroenterological pathologies. With already existing chronic diseases, the use of such products (the same ice cream) becomes contraindicated.

“For people over 60 years old with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially gallstone disease and chronic pancreatitis, ice cream is contraindicated.”
Doctor Masharova added that this delicacy contains saturated fats, whose consumption makes a person prone to atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels, heart problems. Often, palm oil is also found in ice cream during inspection.

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The harmful effect of ice cream is aggravated by a high content of sugar, simple or fast carbohydrates. Referring to studies, gastroenterologist Masharova warned that constantly consumed fast carbohydrates can negatively affect the functioning of the brain, cognitive functions of older people.

Doctors do not recommend eating ice cream in the heat

Important! Information provided for reference purposes . Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Antonina Masharova Antonina Masharova Health Gastroenterologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

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