
Toxicologist named five useful properties of cranberries

Toxicologist Mikhail Kutushov spoke about the beneficial properties of cranberries.

— Cranberries contain many vitamins and plant compounds that are responsible for its beneficial features. The berry is effective against urinary tract infections (UTIs). It can also improve the health of the heart and blood vessels, the stomach, normalize the immune system and help in weight loss,– he wrote in his telegram channel.

Cranberry has a unique composition.It is rich in vitamin C, which supports the immune system and normalizes skin condition. It contains a lot of vitamin E, which improves eyesight. The berry contains manganese, which is necessary for the proper metabolism, growth and development of all tissues, as well as copper, which improves the functioning of the heart muscle

Cranberry contains a lot of antioxidants that reduce the activity of chronic inflammation and prevent development of cancerous tumors.

Antioxidants contained in cranberries:

  • quercetin is responsible for the prevention of tumors
  • myricetin reduces the risk of early type II diabetes mellitus and CHD (coronary heart disease)
  • peonidin increases the efficiency of enzymatic processes
  • ursolic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • proanthocyanins cause the death of harmful microorganisms

Cranberries are the best natural remedy for cystitis.

— Inclusion of cranberries in the diet helps reduce the incidence of diseases stomach due to the suppression of the development of Helicobacter pylori, – said the doctor.
Cranberries improve the health of the heart and blood vessels, prevent a number of deadly pathologies.

Professor Kutushov called a drink useful for the liver and kidneys

How to extract all the benefits from cranberries ?

The doctor spoke about cranberry drinks that strengthen immunity in autumn and winter

The doctor advises making cranberry juice or water (kill frozen cranberries with water in a blender). You can eat cranberries just like that. The main thing is not to cook.
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Important!< /b> Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Mikhail Kutushov Mikhail Kutushov Medicine toxicologist