
Endocrinologist Pavlova: chronic fatigue can be caused by herpes viruses

Endocrinologist Zukhra Pavlova reported that chronic fatigue can be caused by herpes viruses. Namely: enteroviruses.

Enterovirus infection is an intestinal disease provoked by enteroviruses. More than 60 varieties of pathogens of this pathology have been identified

— In their study, scientists started from the fact that chronic fatigue is a pathological condition, the symptoms of which can temporarily disappear or be observed for years. A person sometimes literally cannot get out of bed, no matter how much he rests, the doctor wrote in her blog.

This condition often appears after viral infections. But there may be other causes: faulty mitochondria, low thyroid hormone levels, multiple genetic variants.

If you get tired quickly, first check to see if you have a magnesium deficiency – this may be one of the causes of fatigue, advises Pavlova.

Symptoms of enterovirus infection:

  • fever;
  • head pain;
  • painful sensations in life;
  • nausea;
  • li>vomiting.

When the virus spreads throughout the body, the symptoms of intoxication intensify:

  • Very high temperature – 39-40;
  • rash;
  • swelling of arms and legs;
  • mouth ulcers.

As MedicalForum wrote, doctor Ekaterina Demyanovskaya noted that with chronic fatigue syndrome, it is important to avoid excess added sugar in the diet: after a sharp surge of energy from candy or a piece of cake, a decline occurs, and a person may feel exhausted.

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Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Zukhra Pavlova Zukhra Pavlova Medicine, endocrinologist, MD.