
Sugar and fried potatoes: Doctor Belousov named 7 products that accelerate aging

fried potatoes
Gastroenterologist Evgeny Belousov spoke about products that accelerate aging due to their negative impact on the body and skin.

Doctor Belousov named 7 products that accelerate aging, Gazeta.Ru reported. Their list includes sugar and fried potatoes, which are popular among Russians.

“The process of accelerated aging can be affected by sugar and sweet flour products, fast food, drinks containing caffeine, alcohol, salty food and fried potatoes. These products accelerate aging due to their effect on the body and skin,” said the gastroenterologist.
Belousov specified how exactly such food ages a person.

  • Sugar and white flour products: lead to the appearance of premature wrinkles, causing glycation – the process of “sugaring” proteins responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • Fast food: rich in trans fats, which worsen the condition of blood vessels and disrupt blood circulation, which provokes a lack of nutrients and oxygen in the skin, worsens its color and tone;
  • Drinks and products with caffeine: cause dehydration, thereby making the skin drier and prone to irritation, the formation of creases, wrinkles;
  • Alcohol: destroys the key protein of youthful skin collagen, promotes the accumulation of toxins in the liver, which deprives the skin of a healthy tone, elasticity, smoothness;
  • Salt: causes dehydration and swelling, which also accelerates skin aging;
  • Fried potatoes (and other fried foods): are saturated with free radicals – molecules that can cause tissue damage.

The doctor emphasized that he does not call for the complete exclusion of these products from the diet. According to Belousov, in order for their consumption not to harm the body, it is enough to reduce their quantity.

Earlier, the portal wrote about which products are harmful to the thyroid gland.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Evgeny Belousov Evgeny Belousov Health gastroenterologist