
Professor Kanevskaya: who should not eat cottage cheese

cottage cheese
Doctor of Medical Sciences Svetlana Kanevskaya: some people need to reduce the amount of cottage cheese in their diet to a minimum, or stop eating it altogether.

Cottage cheese – the product is useful in many respects, but its presence on the table may be undesirable or even contraindicated. Professor Kanevskaya, explaining who should not eat cottage cheese, clarified: this product may not fit into the diet of people with such a feature as lactose (milk sugar) intolerance. In her case, cottage cheese is limited or excluded completely, depending on the strength of the body's reactions.

“Curd contains lactose, a natural sugar in milk that is difficult to digest. If there is a lack of enzymes that break down this element, cramps and discomfort in the abdomen, nausea, diarrhea and flatulence are observed – all these are signs of lactose intolerance,” Svetlana Kanevskaya shared with the Championship portal.
Another category of people who should not eat cottage cheese are those with hypersensitivity to casein (milk protein). Such sensitivity can be of varying degrees, and the immune system is responsible for its manifestation. In some people, milk proteins cause severe allergic reactions, including skin rashes, difficulty breathing and the development of autoimmune diseases.

Kanevskaya also advised people with chronic kidney disease to refrain from eating cottage cheese. The expert noted that in case of renal pathologies, patients are advised to strictly control the amount of protein-containing foods consumed – its absorption is a serious burden on the kidneys.

The portal previously wrote about why an abnormal feeling of hunger may occur.< p class="warning_txt">Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Svetlana Kanevskaya Svetlana Kanevskaya Healthy lifestyle Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, specialist in anti-aging medicine