
Study: the better a person sleeps, the longer he can live

Researchers state: good sleep means good life expectancy, and the better sleep, the more years a person can live.

About 8 percent of deaths from any cause can be attributed to poor sleep quality, according to experts from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, who spoke at an international cardiology conference in the United States. In turn, scientists note that good sleep – sound and long enough – seriously increases people's chances for longevity: the better a person sleeps, the longer he can live.

“It is not enough to sleep only the right amount of hours. It is important that the body really rests during sleep, and there are no problems falling asleep,” the scientists said.
They analyzed data from more than 172 thousand people aged (on average) 50 years old, followed by specialists for four years. During this time, more than 8 thousand subjects died.

Researchers correlated life expectancy with five factors for good sleep:

  • sleep lasting 7-8 hours a day,
  • difficulty falling asleep no more than twice a week
  • sleeping without the use of sleeping pills
  • waking up early no more than twice a week
  • feeling rest after waking up.

The more of these five factors are present in a person’s life and the higher the “score” for each of them, the more quality and healthier sleep is considered.

Specialists calculated: among those who had all five quality factors sleep, life expectancy was on average 4.7 years longer for men and 2.4 years longer for women (compared to those with only one or none of the good sleep factors). In particular,

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“If sleep quality meets all five factors, the risk of premature death from any cause is reduced by 30 percent, from cardiovascular disease by 21 percent, from cancer by 19 percent, and from other diseases by 40 percent,” postulated The authors of the project.
They say more research is needed to understand why men who sleep well have markedly higher life expectancy than women who also sleep well. In addition, experts noted that the likelihood of longevity is significantly increased if a person forms healthy sleep habits from a young age.

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Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.

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