
Dr. Malysheva: solar flares can negatively affect the brain and heart

feeling unwell

Doctor of Medical Sciences Elena Malysheva: negative changes in the body's work occur a few days after the outbreak on the Sun.

Doctor Malysheva touched topic of the impact of solar flares on the human body and spoke about their negative consequences. Usually, after these cosmic phenomena, people do not begin to feel bad immediately.

“Changes in well-being appear only 7-10 days after the outbreak, since the wave does not reach the Earth immediately,” the doctor said.
According to Dr. Malysheva, solar flares can negatively affect the brain and heart, provoke unwanted vascular reactions.

“Sun flares affect the Earth’s magnetic field, which causes certain changes in the work of charged cells in the human body,” – Dr. Malysheva explained.
Ophthalmologist Mikhail Konovalov agrees with her. The specialist noted that the consequences of magnetic fluctuations can be mood changes, the development (or exacerbation) of depression.

Another doctor and colleague of Malysheva, cardiologist Herman Gandelman, in turn, informed that an unstable magnetic field contributes to a change in the behavior of blood cells, which begin to more actively interlock and form blood clots. As a result, the risk of cardiac pathologies, including heart attack, increases.

“On such days, you should not refuse prescribed medications, and you should also drink more water to avoid blood clots,” the doctors advised.
In addition, due to solar flares, many people can suffer from the painful manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. In particular, there may be pain in small joints or stiffness in the fingers – Andrey Prodeus, an immunologist, warned about this. , take walks in the fresh air, eat light food.

Earlier, the portal wrote that eating dark raisins helps to strengthen the heart.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Elena Malysheva Elena Malysheva Health