
Treatment of hemorrhoids: is surgery necessary?

Hemorrhoid treatment: is surgery necessary?
Quite often, doctors offer their patients to treat hemorrhoids by removing or excising the hemorrhoid. But most patients, going to an appointment, hope to get by with drug treatment. Therefore, such words as “removal”, “excision”, “operation” cause them bewilderment, fear or even distrust of the doctor.

Often there is an opposite picture – when the doctor refutes the opinion of other doctors and recommends not to rush to remove, but to try to cure hemorrhoids with ointment and suppositories.
Which of them to believe? /h2>Most modern research suggests that the surest way to get rid of hemorrhoids is to remove the hemorrhoid. No knot – no hemorrhoids.

Ointments and suppositories can help, but not for long – they give temporary relief, but do not cure, but only make it possible to delay the operation. In rare cases, medicines may be the only way to help the patient – for example, if right now there are contraindications for removal, and hemorrhoids hurt, bleed and urgent help is needed.

Pills, suppositories and ointments are highly effective after removal of nodes, as additional maintenance therapy. They do a good job with tasks such as: accelerating full recovery and preventing relapses.
Separately, I would like to mention such a complication as thrombosed hemorrhoids (thrombosis of the hemorrhoid). This is the case when procrastination is especially dangerous. It is necessary to remove the thrombosed node as soon as possible. Attempts to cure this condition with medication can lead to serious consequences.

So, removal is still recognized as the most effective. Moreover, this statement is valid in all situations, except for those when there are contraindications (which rarely happens):

  • for men and for women;
  • for adults of any age (features of treatment in children are not considered in this article);
  • during pregnancy (only the 2nd trimester), after childbirth, during lactation (breastfeeding);
  • at any stage of hemorrhoidal disease (1, 2, 3, 4);
  • for any form of the disease (internal, external, combined);
  • for any number and any size of nodes.< /li>

You can remove it using different methods. Methods can be divided into two groups:

  • Complicated surgical interventions require hospitalization in a hospital and a fairly long postoperative rehabilitation. They are performed under general anesthesia. Indispensable in especially neglected cases, when all other methods are powerless.
  • Minimally invasive interventions are performed on an outpatient basis, that is, without hospitalization and do not require rehabilitation. Can be performed under local anesthesia or in drug-induced sleep (the mildest form of anesthesia, also called “sedation”).

Minimally invasive treatment, or removal of hemorrhoids without surgery

To remove, but not to operate at the same time – it sounds like it is not very logical, but it really is.
Minimally invasive means bloodless. The main difference between a minimally invasive operation and a surgical one is that the impact on the tissues is done pointwise. The minimum amount of tissue is removed. And immediately after dissection, the tissues are sealed. Thus, the blood simply does not have time to stand out.

The second important difference is the conditions for conducting operations. Unlike surgery, minimally invasive procedures are performed:

  • on an outpatient basis (no need to go to the hospital);
  • fast (average duration of procedures is from 5 to 30 minutes) ;
  • more often under local anesthesia, and at the request of the patient – “in a dream”.

The third difference is the speed of recovery. After a major surgical operation, the patient needs rehabilitation and suffers from many restrictions. After minimally invasive surgery:

  • you can go home almost immediately after the procedure and lead your normal life;
  • you can sit, walk, bend over;
  • restrictions are minimal (for example, exclude hot baths, going to the sauna or bath , in the first days to give up alcohol, from lifting weights);
  • defecation is allowed in the usual way a few hours after removal.

That is why minimally invasive treatment is often positioned as non-surgical. Minimally invasive methods include:

  • laser vaporization and laser coagulation,
  • sclerotherapy,
  • ultrasonic sclerotherapy,
  • electrocoagulation,
  • radio wave surgery,
  • desarterization,
  • latex ligation and others.

At a specialized Proctology Center “Alan Clinic” in Moscow treatment of hemorrhoidsis carried out by all existing modern minimally invasive (bloodless) methods. It provides outpatient treatment of diseases of the rectum and anal canal of almost any severity. The clinic has the most modern equipment, only proctologists-surgeons with many years of practical experience in minimally invasive operations work with patients.

Only 1 procedure is usually enough for treatment, therefore, Alan Clinic treats patients not only from Moscow and the Moscow region, but from any regions of Russia and foreign countries. The clinic is open daily, seven days a week. Patients are admitted by appointment, no referral required.

How to treat hemorrhoids: the main conclusions from the article

  • If your task is to relieve symptoms for a while (pain, blood, itching, etc.), then ointments and suppositories are quite suitable. But to get rid of hemorrhoids, minimally invasive methods are needed. If the treatment was only medication, then the hemorrhoids become chronic, sooner or later there is a recurrent acute inflammation.
  • Minimally invasive removal is not an operation in the classical sense of the word. This is a quick painless excision of the hemorrhoid with instant sealing, and therefore without blood loss.
  • Minimally invasive treatment of hemorrhoids is carried out without hospitalization, and it does not require rehabilitation. The patient comes at the appointed time, he undergoes the procedure, then he can go home or even to work almost immediately. Some need to stay in the ward for 1-2 hours, under the supervision of medical staff.
  • Immediately after the minimally invasive intervention, the patient can sit and walk. And after a few hours, he can go to the toilet in a big usual way.
  • Minimally invasive procedures are performed either under local anesthesia or in drug sleep mode.
  • To completely get rid of hemorrhoidal disease, everything is enough 1 procedure. Some methods (for example, latex ligation) in advanced cases require 2-3 procedures.
  • After minimally invasive removal of hemorrhoids, the doctor prescribes suppositories, ointments, tablets to accelerate complete healing and relieve discomfort. Pharmaceutical products are also prescribed for the prevention of relapses.

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