
Doctor Pozdnyakov: Arcturus causes conjunctivitis more often than other covid variants

Infectious disease doctor Andrei Pozdnyakov commented on the appearance of conjunctivitis when infected with a variant of the coronavirus “Arcturus”.

Doctor Pozdnyakov said that infection with a new variant of covid – a substrain “Arcturus” – can be manifested by such a symptom as conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva – the mucous membrane that covers the eyes).

How to recognize conjunctivitis: symptoms

  • The eyes turn red.Discharges appear, including pus, due to which the eyelashes stick together.
  • Itching, burning occur.
  • Lachrymation is observed.
  • The eyelids swell.
  • < li>Sight is blurred.

  • There is a feeling of sand in the eyes.
  • Photophobia develops.

Pozdnyakov noted that conjunctivitis as a sign of infection with Arcturus is more often recorded in inhabitants of the European part of the mainland.

“In India, the Arcturus substrain, aka XBB.1.16, manifested itself with classic symptoms of SARS. In Europe, they often talk about the development of conjunctivitis, ”the doctor shared.
The specialist drew attention to the fact that the appearance of conjunctivitis in a person does not necessarily mean that he was infected with a new variant of covid. In the spring, susceptibility to this eye inflammation increases due to natural causes – for example, due to an increase in the concentration of allergens in the environment. It is almost impossible to distinguish covid conjunctivitis from non-covid conjunctivitis by external signs. It is possible to identify the inflammation caused by coronavirus only through tests or taking into account the presence of other symptoms characteristic of COVD-19 (sore throat, runny nose, fever, etc.).

Infectionist Voznesensky called the signs of infection a subvariant of coronavirus Arcturus»

“For the treatment of conjunctivitis, you can use special eye drops that reduce the sensation of a foreign body and pain in the eyes. Antiviral drops of ophthalmoferon can also be used. If the symptoms are severe and do not go away within two to three days, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist, ”the specialist advised.
The doctor also recommended avoiding crowded places if possible and wearing masks if you still have to visit them. In addition, you should wash your hands more often, rinse your face, do not touch it with your hands.

Doctor Pozdnyakov called the most dangerous variant of post-covid syndrome in children

Earlier, the portal wrote about symptoms indicating infection

Important! This information is provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Andrey Pozdnyakov Andrey Pozdnyakov Health infectious disease specialist, head physician of “Invitro-Siberia”