Nutritionist Kovalkov voiced dangerous methods of losing weight

The presence of extra pounds is harmful to health, but there are methods of losing weight that are even more harmful. This was told by a nutritionist, Professor Alexei Kovalkov. In particular, one of the biggest threats to human health are diuretics, if they are used specifically to get rid of exces

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5 Dangers for Everyday Wine Lovers

Even the scientists themselves are not sure whether it is harmful or beneficial to drink one glass of wine every day. But here are the 5 most obvious cons of this habit. Weight gainExcess calorie intake of any kind, be it proteins, carbohydrates, fats, or alcohol, can lead to weight gain. While carb

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Eating ice cream benefits health: expert Stepochkina

Ice cream in moderation is a good addition to the diet, if it is of high quality: its use is associated with a number of useful properties, said Yulia Stepochkina.The expert said in an interview that good quality ice cream, consisting of natural ingredients, provides the body with the nutrients it n

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Garlic can be both beneficial and harmful.

The use of garlic is associated with both positive and negative effects, the specialists of Rospotrebnadzor reminded about this.Garlic with the onset of the autumn-winter season traditionally becomes in Russia, one of the most popular products with which our compatriots strengthen immunity. Garlic i

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Products help fight unpleasant symptoms of menopause

Menopause can be accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms: brain fog, bone weakness and joint pain, hot flashes and night sweats - certain foods and drinks help relieve them. Reduce anxiety. Gynecologist Tatyana Koledova noted in a commentary to MedikForum that during menopause, estrogen and progeste

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5 Surprising Benefits of Fennel Seeds

These seeds, unfortunately, are not very popular in Russia, unlike in Asian countries such as India and China. And completely in vain - in tiny seeds an amazing set of useful properties. Blood sugar levelsFennel seeds can help fight diabetes. This is due to the presence of a large amount of nutrient

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