
The doctor told what breeds of cats can be kept by an allergy sufferer

What to do if you love cats more than anything in the world, but because of allergies you can only look at them on the Internet? With the help of an allergist-immunologist, Ph.D. Tatiana Borisova is looking into whether there can be compromises.

The doctor told what breeds of cats can be kept by an allergy sufferer 23593

First, let's figure out what exactly causes an allergic reaction when interacting with a cat. The common belief that it is provoked by fur is generally wrong. According to Tatyana Borisova, the molecule Fel d1 is responsible for the development of allergy symptoms. It is a protein found in the saliva, anal and sebaceous glands, epidermis and fur of cats.

“Most of these proteins get onto the fur of pets with saliva during washing or playing (in this case, the hairs along with the proteins are spread throughout the apartment), but wool as such does not cause allergies.”

Borisova Tatyana Vadimovna Borisova Tatyana Vadimovna Ic author work@2xexpert
Ic snowflake@2xFGBU Federal Scientific Center FMBA of Russia, allergist-immunologist

The doctor noted that all cats produce Fel d 1, but hormonal status changes its amount. For example, male cats produce more Fel d 1 than female cats, and neutered cats produce less than non-neutered cats.”

All about cat allergies

We have collected complete information for everyone, after five minutes of communication with the cat he begins to sneeze and choke. 

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Unfortunately, no breed of cat can be absolutely hypoallergenic; any cat with a tail can provoke an attack. Short-haired breeds that are not prone to frequent shedding are considered relatively safe, the doctor said. These include:

  • Sphinx;
  • Cornish Rex;
  • Devon Rex;
  • Bengal cat;
  • Russian Blue cat.

However, there are also breeds with long hair that cause relatively mild allergic reactions, for example, Siberian and Balinese cats. Due to the lower concentration of Fel d 1 and Fel d 4 proteins in their saliva and sebaceous glands, the risk of a hypersensitivity reaction is lower compared to other breeds.

But before getting a pet, an allergy sufferer should definitely consult a doctor, warned Tatyana Borisova.