
Endometriosis: treatment or will it go away on its own?

Constant pain in the pelvic area, which intensifies during menstruation, discomfort during sex, weakness and increased fatigue – all these The symptoms are familiar to women suffering from endometriosis. How to treat this disease and is there a chance that serious intervention will not be required?

 Endometriosis: should it be treated or will it go away on its own? /> 15394 </p>
<h2>Insidious and mysterious</h2>
<p>Endometriosis is characterized by the proliferation of tissue lining the inside of the uterine cavity (endometrium) and beyond. It is believed that about 10% of women of reproductive age are susceptible to this disease, but it is difficult to estimate its prevalence, since many women are unaware of it. The insidiousness of endometriosis is that in the early stages it can proceed hidden or manifest itself in non-specific symptoms. For example, heavy menstruation or pain, which is often localized not in the lower abdomen, but higher, which is why the patient does not associate them with gynecological problems.</p>
<p>Despite its widespread prevalence, the causes of pathological proliferation of uterine epithelium are still unknown, there are only a few scientific hypotheses. For example, some scientists believe that endometriosis develops in women prone to autoimmune diseases.</p>
<h2>Is this definitely not cancer?</h2>
<p>The good news is that it is not a cancer, although endometriosis does resemble cancer in its ability to spread widely throughout the body. Endometriosis is not life-threatening, but it can cause a lot of trouble. Its main danger is cyclic bleeding from the endometrium located in the wrong places. Because of this, the surrounding tissues become inflamed, which leads to an adhesive process. Adhesions not only cause pain, but also contribute to the development of infertility if, for example, they are located on the peritoneum of the small pelvis, in the depression between the uterus and rectum, or block the fallopian tubes, blocking the egg from reaching the uterus.</p>
<p>Unfortunately , there are no radical treatment methods for endometriosis that are guaranteed to relieve the patient of this disease. But there are many ways to relieve symptoms and improve a woman’s quality of life and slow down the process of endometrial growth.</p>
<h2>Will you really have to go on hormones?</h2>
<p>Not at all necessary. If the patient's disease is mild, does not progress, and only manifests itself in painful sensations during menstruation, simple pain relief with over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen may be sufficient. In addition, hormone therapy may not be necessary if a woman does not have fertility problems or does not plan to become pregnant in the future. In any case, only a doctor can assess the severity of the disease and prescribe treatment after a thorough diagnosis and assessment of all risks and benefits.</p>
<p>The main method of treating endometriosis is hormonal therapy, which limits or stops the production of estrogen, which stimulates the growth of the endometrium. In this case, the following are used:</p>
<li role=combined oral contraceptives (COCs);

  • progestogens, contraceptive injections;
  • subcutaneous implants or progestogen tablets.
  • All hormonal drugs are equally effective in treating endometriosis, but have different side effects that must be taken into account. In addition, these drugs do not affect adhesions in any way. It is also worth remembering that most hormonal drugs temporarily reduce the ability to get pregnant while taking them, but not all of them are contraceptives. After their withdrawal, fertility is gradually restored in full.

    When is surgery necessary?

    Surgery for endometriosis is indicated if hormonal therapy does not help control the growth of tissue, and the patient suffers from severe pain. Another important factor is the woman's desire to become pregnant. If endometriosis is negatively affecting fertility, the patient will be offered surgery. 

    Surgical treatment is carried out using minimally invasive methods, most often using laparoscopy, when the doctor makes small incisions in the abdominal cavity and removes foci of endometriosis. This is a fairly effective treatment method, but unfortunately, it does not guarantee that endometriosis will not return. 

    What if it goes away on its own?

    This possibility really exists, but only with the onset of menopause, which most often occurs after 50 years. However, few people are willing to wait that long, given that the active phase of endometriosis development occurs between 30 and 40 years, and the initial stage is often found in girls 25 years old or even younger. It is better to carry out timely diagnosis and undergo treatment as early as possible.