
Why do people of retirement age buy Dom Zdorovya equipment?

Why do people of retirement age buy the equipment of the Health House

The sales assistant of the Health House talked to one of the regular customers and found out why the Master Plus massage cape is so popular among people of retirement age.

Health House consultant (D.Z.):Dear Tatyana Sergeevna! You have been a dear friend of Dom Zdorovya for many years. You sincerely love the company, because thanks to its products, as far as I know, your well-being has improved significantly. I know that you consider the massage cape one of your favorite massagers. It is very interesting to know why she became your favorite?

Tatyana Sergeevna (T.S.):Thank you very much! I want to say right away that I have a lot of massagers from the Dom Zdorovya company at home. And the massage cape is loved not only by me, but also by my husband! For our family, it has become a special and timely acquisition. It so happened that after the announcement of the pandemic, my lifestyle with my husband became sharply sedentary. Almost all day we were either in a sitting or lying position and lived practically without movement. This negatively affected our health. I, like my husband, developed severe muscle tension, which did not allow us to return to an active lifestyle after the end of the self-isolation regime. And when I first saw the massage cape and found out that it affects all the muscles, kneading them and activating them, I realized that it could help me.

D .Z.: Yes, absolutely right. Massage cape “Master Plus” helps to improve the functioning of the muscles of the body. When you started using it, did you immediately notice positive results?

Т.С.:I quickly felt an improvement in my general well-being. And you know, amazingly, she even helped me solve my longstanding health problem. For many years I have had a headache due to problems in the cervical region, and the massage cape wonderfully stretches the muscles of the neck, and this has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation of the head. Therefore, gradually the headache subsided, its intensity decreased. And after some time I realized that without a cape I can not. I find it easier to use it. Now I use it consistently twice a day.

D.Z.: I am glad to hear that the Dom Zdorovya massager helped you. And under what conditions is a massage cape still useful for you?

Т.С.:You know, when I started using the cape, my muscles were so constrained that sometimes I even felt pain from its impact, but then such a state came that the muscle seemed to come to life, warmth spread in it, and it became easy and comfortable to move. It perfectly kneads the muscles of the back, supports my posture. At first I used it for about 5 minutes, but gradually I became so comfortable with her massage that the desire to use it only increased. Now for me, a cape is like a charge. She kneads and trains all my muscles, and I feel how I feel good.

D.Z.: Very glad to hear from you about the great benefit of the massager of the company “House of Health”. Would you recommend this massage cape to other people?

TS:Yes, definitely. I was lucky that I came to the Dom Zdorovya salon-shop on time and got acquainted with its massagers. I am very happy that I bought a massage cape. She has improved the quality of my life. Now it is difficult to sign up for massage procedures, and they are rarely done and a limited number of times, a maximum of 10 sessions. And what is 2 weeks of massage in a year? After all, we live every day and our muscles, blood circulation need daily support to feel good. Spa holidays are very expensive, private massage rooms are also expensive. The pensioner cannot afford them. Therefore, having a massager at home is a wonderful way to take care of your health. I wish everyone to have a wonderful massage cape “Master Plus” of the company “House of Health” at home.

D.Z.: Thank you very much for sharing with us your excellent results. Your experience will help many people find a way to improve their well-being at home. Also, as a representative of the Dom Zdorovya company, I would like to invite everyone to our showrooms, where you can test our equipment for free and feel its beneficial effects. Come visit us at the “House of Health”!

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