
“When they don’t treat, but cripple”: Alexander Yuryevich Shishonin on the increase in the incidence of diabetes

“When they don’t treat, but cripple”: Alexander Yuryevich Shishonin on the increase in the incidence of diabetes
Many people know that the Clinic of Dr. Shishonin successfully treats hypertension and atherosclerosis. However, not everyone knows that type 2 diabetes can also be defeated using a unique technique developed by Alexander Yuryevich. We will talk about this with the creator of the drug-free approach to the treatment of this disease.

– Alexander Yuryevich, why is there an explosive growth in the incidence of type 2 diabetes in the world? What is the main danger of diabetes and how medicine treats it.

– No cure. The word “treatment”, if we mean the elimination of the disease, is not applicable here. It just hides the symptoms. And only in some of ours and in a few other clinics in the world – in Israel, for example – type 2 diabetes is really treated.
What is the danger of type 2 diabetes? Diabetes is excess glucose, and it strikes at the vascular system and, first of all, at the capillaries, leading to capillaropathy. And it is clear that such narrow channels will pass blood thick with glucose worse than blood that is normal in composition. The capillary network is gradually dying. And the death of the rear supply of our body leads to a fall in the front: diabetics begin retinopathy (diabetic blindness), since the retina has a very thin capillary network; for the same reason potency disappears; the lower extremities suffer, first losing sensitivity, and then being affected by gangrene, so diabetics often have their feet and legs amputated. Well, in the end, the kidneys begin to fail, as the body tries to excrete excess sugar in the urine, which leads to nephropathy. Hello, hemodialysis!
In addition, nerves and large vessels suffer. Because the blood supply to the nerve fibers is carried out through very, very thin vessels (vasa nervorum – “vessels of the nerves”), and the walls of large arteries (vasa vasorum – “vessels of the vessels”) are fed through equally thin vessels. The degradation of the walls of the veins and arteries begins with their insufficient blood supply, and damage to the vessels leads to a loss of elasticity in their walls and poor regulation of blood pressure, since the smooth muscles of the vessels, which should narrow or expand their lumen, also degrade due to lack of nutrition.
Due to the high content of sugar in the blood, it begins to fall out of the blood “syrup” in crystals that settle on erythrocytes (making it difficult for tissue respiration, that is, taking a step towards cancer, which is worth talking about separately because this is a very serious topic that requires explanation ).

“When they don’t treat, but cripple”: Alexander Yuryevich Shishonin on the increase in the incidence of diabetes

– In the loss of sensitivity of the distal (distant) parts of the body. And especially the arms and legs. An experienced diabetic may, having passed over the surface of the material, not understand whether it is wood or metal. And with your feet you can’t feel the texture and temperature of the surface, and even pain: he can put on new shoes and, having come home in the evening, find a bloody callus almost to the bone. Non-healing bleeding wounds on the feet of diabetics (the so-called diabetic ulcers) do not heal precisely for the reasons stated above – bacteria multiply well in blood resembling sugar syrup, and capillary blood supply is disrupted, that is, troops are not thrown up to fight the infection and repair teams to repair the damage are also not delivered, so the body rots alive.
And if the nerves that control the heart are damaged, problems with the myocardium begin – the heart beats often, sometimes slowly. A person can go to the fifth floor, and the heart beats like 60, and knocks. Or, on the contrary, a person sits quietly, and the heart suddenly begins to pound for 120 beats, as if undermined. Control is lost!

If the nerves of the gastrointestinal tract are affected, there is a constant imbalance of the gastrointestinal tract – then diarrhea, then constipation, and you won’t guess: either it’s locked up for a week, or it carries day after day.

Finally, if motor nerves are hit, pain and convulsions begin, people cannot sleep at night because of pain. Everything hurts! And it will hurt until you normalize sugar. This can be done in two fundamentally different ways – with the help of pills, that is, by killing yourself, or by changing the diet and movement, that is, by healing yourself. The choice is always with the sick, but most, because of laziness and weak will, choose the road to death, pain, blindness and gangrene.

“When they don’t treat, but cripple”: Alexander Yuryevich Shishonin on the increase in the incidence of diabetes2
– How is diabetes related to impaired blood supply to the brain?

A.Yu.:As a result of stress, physical inactivity or injuries, the flow of blood and nutrients to the brain decreases and sooner or later the following happens: the hypothalamus, noting a chronic lack of blood flow, and hence oxygen and nutrients, begins to fight this condition. It causes the heart to contract harder and the kidneys to retain fluid, all in order to increase pressure and somehow push blood through the pinched vessels of the neck. However, the problem of lack of oxygen in the brain remains, in addition, hypertension occurs. In the next step, the hypothalamus sends a signal to the pancreas to decrease insulin production and increase glucagon production. Glucagon is an insulin antagonist. And insulin is that pass, the key that opens the cell doors for glucose to enter. Glucose is a cellular fuel, like gasoline for a car. The logic of the hypothalamus is simple here: if there is not enough energy in the form of oxygen, you need to switch to another source of energy – to glucose.
The cells of our body have two options for energy supply: oxygen and oxygen-free – that is, with the help of glucose. And it is this variant that leads to obesity and type 2 diabetes.

– How to find out that the brain gets enough oxygen and the body starts an oxygen-free regime?

A.Yu.:The transition to a new way of obtaining energy occurs gradually. At the initial stage of the development of diabetes, there is a decrease in insulin, an increase in glucagon and a change in eating behavior, in the search for and consumption of easily digestible energy. This energy is found in our favorite baked goods, and in everything sweet. The patient begins to uncontrollably consume a huge amount of sweets (carbohydrates), sometimes without even noticing it. And the pancreas automatically, without listening to the hypothalamus, begins to produce insulin for this huge amount of carbohydrates.
There is a contradiction between the orders of the hypothalamus and the activity of the pancreas, as a result of which a natural autoimmune process may occur. As a result of an autoimmune reaction, pancreatic cells die, and we get type 1 diabetes. Those. absolute insulin deficiency. f06138e.jpg” class=”lazy” width=”1200″ height=”800″ style=”max-width:100%;” alt=”“When they don’t treat, but cripple”: Alexander Yuryevich Shishonin on the increase in the incidence of diabetes3″ />
– It turns out that in order to get rid of diabetes, you just need to restore blood flow between the center and other organs?

A.Yu.:Yes, but not everything is so simple. Most patients consult a doctor already at a late stage of the disease, when the flywheel of the disease is already running, numerous complications from diabetes have developed, such as neuropathy, ophthalmopathy, and nephropathy. And we take into account all these factors when choosing non-drug therapy.

– Is it possible to recover?

A.Yu.: Of course, this is confirmed by many years of experience and more than a thousand cured patients. Imagine how wonderful it will be when, after treatment at the Clinic of Dr. Shishonin, excess weight will go away, sugar and blood pressure will normalize. Everyone needs health and beauty and this is not something worth saving on. So do not miss this opportunity!

Clinic address: 117588, Moscow, st. Yasnogorskaya, 5, fl. 3. Tel.: 8 (800) 555-76-81 Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 9.00 – 21.00; Sat: 9.00 – 18.00; Sun: closed.
LO-77-01-019609 dated 13.02.2020
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