
Urologist Mkrtchyan called weakness and blood in urine symptoms of prostate cancer

According to urologist, endourologist Karen Mkrtchyan, prostate cancer may not manifest itself for many years. Its specific symptoms are “recognized” in the later stages.

Then the patient speaks of severe weakness, pain in the bones, blood in the urine.

“Often, oncological processes are quite successfully “masked” as other diseases, and it is for this reason that a patient is diagnosed with cancer already at stages 3-4, when it is extremely difficult to change the prognosis,said the RIAMO specialist.
< br>In the case of prostate cancer, this is as true as with many other oncopathologies. When the above symptoms appear, the prognosis for the patient is unfavorable, the doctor added.

He named possible early symptoms of prostate cancer that all men should pay attention to:

    < li>difficulty urinating,
  • deterioration of erection,
  • traces of blood in urine or semen,
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

Any of these signs should be a reason to visit a urologist as soon as possible.

How quickly does prostate cancer develop?

Tumor , as a rule, grows slowly. The patient may not feel symptoms for a long time. There are cases where symptoms of prostate cancer appeared 10–30 years after the onset of the disease.

What tests will show prostate cancer?

Prostate-specific antigen, total (PSA) is a blood test that may be prescribed if prostatitis, prostate adenoma or prostate cancer is suspected.

How to distinguish an adenoma from cancer?

An accurate method for early diagnosis of prostate cancer is a prostate biopsy – taking prostate tissue. Only this method allows one to distinguish a benign formation (adenoma) of the prostate from cancer.

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Important !The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.