
Two types of mutations: oncologist Magomedova explained how a predisposition to cancer is transmitted from parents

According to oncologist Khamis Magomedova, there is a predisposition to cancer, it can be transmitted genetically. The doctor explained how this happens.

There are two types of mutations. In the first case, we receive a predisposition to cancer from our parents, in the second, we acquire it. It depends on the environment and our lifestyle. We can talk about exposure to the sun, harmful viruses and toxic substances.

There are people who have protection from dangerous mutations by nature, while others inherit damaged genes.

— It is important to remember that only a tenth of cancer diseases are caused by heredity. As in other areas of life, a lot here depends on the person himself, on his attitude towards himself and his body, the doctor emphasized.

Let us recall the general signs of cancer:

1. Cancer can cause general weakness that does not go away even after rest.

2. Uncontrolled growth of cancer cells usually leads to weight loss, even if the person does not change diet or increase physical activity.

3. Cancer sometimes causes changes in appetite, such as loss of interest in food or feeling hungry all the time. Sometimes there is an aversion to meat.

4. Cancer can cause pain or discomfort in a specific area of ​​the body. This is due to a tumor that is pressing on tissues or organs.

5. Cancer can cause changes in the skin: new moles, sores, or changes in skin color or texture.

6. Cancer can cause changes in the intestinal or urinary system: blood in the stool or urine, changes in how often you urinate, or problems urinating.

7. Cancer can cause unusual discharge from the body: blood, pus, and so on.

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Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.