
Peskov rejected suggestions about mandatory vaccination

Peskov rejected suggestions about mandatory vaccination
At the moment, the Russian authorities are not discussing the reintroduction of mandatory vaccination. Information about this was announced by the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov.

For a long time, the Russian leadership emphasized that vaccination in our country should be exclusively voluntary, and no one would be forced to be vaccinated. The press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov also spoke about this. However, when compulsory vaccination measures were nevertheless introduced, Peskov said that he categorically supported them. Recall that last year vaccination was declared mandatory for most workers in areas who have contact with a large number of people such as catering, public transport, medicine and social services.

Compulsory vaccination may return to Russia

But now the authorities are not considering the issue of returning compulsory vaccination for Russians, as Peskov emphasized. He announced this when the level of herd immunity in Russia dropped to 10%, that is, it simply disappeared, like any protection against coronavirus infection. It is quite possible that when the incidence rate in our country exceeds 100,000 people a day, then at the initiative of a number of local authorities, the idea of ​​compulsory vaccination will still begin to be discussed.

Peskov supported mandatory vaccination

So far the authorities fail to persuade the Russians out of a sense of consciousness to visit vaccination points. In many regions, mobile vaccination stations have closed, this also applies to Moscow, where they worked in a number of shopping centers. However, it is possible that in the near future these items will work again. The most popular vaccination option in our country is still the Sputnik V drug, created at the Gamaleya Center. (READ MORE) Dmitry Peskov Dmitry Peskov Medicine Press Secretary President of the Russian Federation