
Four morning cancer symptoms that are usually overlooked

Cancer is known to be successfully treated in its early stages. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that for a long time it does not manifest itself in any way.

Doctors advise you to carefully listen to your body and seek help in time. According to British oncologist James Walter, there are several possible symptoms of cancer that appear in the morning. Article published in Express.

– Nobody says that you should correlate any of the signs with cancer and panic. However, a disease detected in time gives chances for a long remission and a normal life. If you ignore the symptoms, and they turn out to be signs of cancer, then malignant cells will multiply, forming metastases, and in this case we are talking about the third and fourth stages of cancer,, he noted.
The doctor advises paying attention to the condition , in which a person wakes up in the morning.

Sore throat. If a sore throat lasts longer than two weeks without a tendency to improve, this can be a dangerous signal. It is easy to confuse it with a cold.

– In the early stages, the symptoms of throat cancer are easily confused with signs of a cold, but acute respiratory infections rarely last longer than a week. If a sore throat, cough, hoarseness does not go away within two to three weeks, you should consult an oncologist, the doctor warned.
Cough. In the case of lung cancer, there is a characteristic symptom that may indicate lung cancer – a prolonged and debilitating cough. You should be wary if it does not go away within three weeks and does not allow you to fall asleep at night. Such a cough can be triggered by hyperreactivity of the lungs and signals damage to their structure.

Persistent fatigue. It does not go away even with a full, regular rest. Sensitivity and inflammation of the lymph nodes are possible. There is inattention, inability to concentrate, depression. Constant fatigue can be associated with any form of cancer and is associated with the development of a tumor.

Symptoms of lung cancer: three signs that are easy to miss

Night sweats. Night sweats can be an early symptom of leukemia, lymphoma, bone and liver cancer. This is due to hormonal changes. By itself, sweating at night does not mean that a person necessarily has cancer.

The oncologist named the symptoms that need to be urgently taken to the hospital p class=”warning_txt”>Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.