
Doctor Solomatina explained the unexpected effect of garlic on the brain

It is known that the healing properties of garlic lies in its antiviral effect, it helps the body fight colds. It turns out that the brain also needs garlic.

According to the nutritionist Elena Solomatina, eating garlic is good for the brain.

The fiber found in garlic is important for the brain. It also protects the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol.

– It has an anti-inflammatory effect on a par with aspirin. It improves blood circulation and prevents platelets from sticking together to the state of blood clots, and also relieves inflammation in the vessels, – the physician noted in an interview with Vechernyaya Moskva.

Cholesterol, according to Solomatina, is attached only to the inflamed walls of blood vessels: it does not fill a smooth surface. Garlic helps to reduce inflammation, thus influencing cholesterol levels.

Beneficial properties of garlic: on the cardiovascular system,

  • Reduces blood cholesterol,
  • Useful for high blood pressure,
  • Reduces the risk of blood clots in blood vessels.
  • Garlic can be useful as a prophylactic in the development of cancer. Its essential oil, allicin, is a powerful antioxidant. According to scientists, if smokers eat one clove of garlic twice a week, the risk of cancer is reduced by a third.

    Garlic is used in folk medicine to remove worms. It also stimulates the secretion of bile and improves the digestion of fatty foods, which is why it is often added to fatty meals.

    For men, its beneficial effect on potency can be distinguished, and it is also used to treat prostatitis. Garlic is also useful for athletes, as it blocks the action of the stress hormone cortisol and stimulates the production of testosterone. For women – in order to prevent the occurrence of breast and uterine cancer.

    Contraindications to the use of garlic:

    • Garlic increases appetite. It is important to remember this for those who are on a diet.
    • Contraindicated in stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, hemorrhoids, kidney and liver diseases, epilepsy.
    • May cause allergic reactions.

    It is enough for a healthy adult to eat 1-2 cloves of garlic a day to maintain immunity and prevent diseases.

    Garlic is a useful product, but requires a reasonable approach, the doctor noted and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov. According to him, some “grandmother's recipes” not only do not make sense, but can also pose a serious health hazard. Some of them are related to garlic.

    Drops from onion and garlic with a runny nose
    Such drops will not reduce the amount of discharge, but only increase it. In addition, you can get a burn of the mucous membrane.

    – If you bury onions and garlic, it will probably flow even more. These are irritating drops, Myasnikov noted.

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    See also: Nuts will help lower blood sugar.

    Important! This information is provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.