
Doctor Kardanov: Obesity is one of four conditions under which arthrosis develops at a young age

Doctor of Medical Sciences, orthopedic traumatologist Andrey Kardanov told under what conditions arthrosis can develop at a young age. Classically, this disease is considered age-related, that is, it usually affects older people.

— Arthrosis is a disease of the elderly. However, if a young person leads a sedentary lifestyle, is obese, has poor water intake, and is at increased risk of injury, then the disease may become “younger,” Kardanov emphasized.

With arthrosis, irreversible changes in the joint are caused not by inflammation, but by natural wear and tear. This can be caused by:

  • high loads on the joint
  • the aging process of the body
  • impaired axial loads due to curvature of the spine.

The main role in the development of the disease is played by the hereditary factor, or injuries to bones and joints.

How is arthritis different from arthrosis? With these diseases, the joints suffer, but the causes and symptoms are different.

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease, arthrosis is degenerative-dystrophic, that is, it is the destruction of the joint, noted Kardanov.

Arthritis is distinguished by the cause of inflammation (rheumatoid, psoriatic, gouty and others), arthrosis – by the cause of occurrence (primary, post-traumatic, secondary).

Signs of arthritis can vary depending on the type of disease, but there are common symptoms:

  • Joint pain. Often worsens with movement, may be constant or intermittent.
  • Swelling. Joints may increase in size due to inflammation.
  • Stiffness. A feeling of stiffness in the joints in the morning or after prolonged rest.
  • Redness and warmth. The skin over the affected joints may be red and warm to the touch.
  • Limited mobility.
  • General fatigue and weakness
  • Deformation of the joints.

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Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.