
Coronavirus deaths continue to fall

Coronavirus deaths continue to fall
The World Health Organization said that over the past week, more than 3.2 million people on our planet became infected with coronavirus, and the death rate fell below 10,000. This is the last most sad indicator decreased weekly by 17%.

WHO experts published statistics on the pandemic from September 12 to 18 and compared it with data from previous weeks. It shows that the number of deaths has decreased again, this time by 17%. This trend continues in the world, which is good news. However, the coronavirus continues to kill people, with 9,862 deaths last week.

The death rate from coronavirus in Russia has dropped to a minimum since 2020

It should be noted that Russia in this mournful list occupies the third line after the USA and Japan. In our country, 697 people died in a week, in Japan – 1,162, and in America – 2,601, or about 25% of all deaths on the planet. Also in the first sad five are Spain (595) and Brazil (487).

The death rate from coronavirus continues to fall

Some experts have already started talking about the fact that the pandemic can be officially declared over even this year. But for this it is necessary to continue to extend herd immunity to the planet. The more people who have been ill with coronavirus, and especially have been vaccinated, the less severe this disease will be for them, and the less likely it is that a new dangerous mutation will appear. (READ MORE) World Health Organization

World Health Organization


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