
Brain training will relieve back pain

Brain training will relieve back pain
Special brain training with special therapy helps with back pain better than the most powerful opioids. This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of New South Wales.

Australian researchers have developed a new type of back pain therapy that is brain training. In the long term, this is a more reliable solution to chronic pain problems than taking opioids, which have many side effects, including physiological and psychological dependence. After a 12-week course, patients saw significant improvements, to achieve which they needed only one hour a week to spend with a psychotherapist. The results are promising.

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More than 20 million Russians suffer from back pain, making it the leading cause of disability. Traditional treatments are painkillers, and injections into the intervertebral discs and joints, which should strengthen the muscles. In advanced cases resort to surgical treatment. Sensorimotor training of the brain changes the way a person perceives his condition. Therefore, he no longer considers back pain as a defect or a barrier to normal mobility. This therapy was tested in 276 patients with chronic low back pain.

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Sensorimotor overtraining is designed to change a person's thinking and attitude towards their own body, as well as pain sensation. It includes first educational videos that explain the anatomical mechanisms of pain and how it is born, then teaching the perception of sensory movements and their psychological processing. After that, patients perform simple movements, and then complex ones, including squats, lunges and weight lifting. Some of these exercises at home are repeated for 30 minutes 5 times a week. The main goal is to teach a person to view their pain in a different light. (READ MORE) University of New South Wales

University of New South Wales


Australian State University. The main campus is located in the Sydney area of ​​Kensington, New South Wales. The university was founded in 1949 and is one of the best universities in Australia.