
A surge in pneumonia cases has been recorded in 16 regions. What are the characteristics of mycoplasma pneumonia?

Since mid-October, 16 Russian regions have seen an increase in pneumonia cases. Experts have explained what to look out for.

As Rospotrebnadzor reported, there is a trend towards an increase in cases, but the situation is under control.

— Group outbreaks are registered in children's organized groups. The main pathogen, both in isolated cases and in outbreaks, is mycoplasma, — the department noted.

An increase in pneumonia cases has been recorded, including in the Tomsk, Omsk, Vologda, Leningrad, Kostroma regions, in Komi and Udmurtia, Altai and Kamchatka territories.

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung tissue, which is most often caused by bacteria, recalled Ekaterina Demyanovskaya, a doctor at the Gemotest laboratory. Usually, these are pneumococcus, staphylococcus, chlamydia and mycoplasma.

— Various viruses can trigger pneumonia, including coronavirus, influenza and herpes viruses. Even a common rhinovirus with a severe runny nose and sore throat can lead to the development of pneumonia, — the specialist told Izvestia.

Infectious disease specialist Andrei Pozdnyakov said that mycoplasma pneumonia has a number of features.

— With mycoplasma infection, toxicosis is not as pronounced as with bacterial pneumonia. The course is more blurred. Patients often remain, as they say, on their feet, and recognize the disease late, the expert said.


  • observance of disinfection, air-thermal conditions,
  • ventilation and air disinfection
  • observance of personal hygiene rules
  • timely vaccination against pathogens,

Doctors also advise avoiding crowded places and using a mask.

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Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.