
What will abruptly give up sugar lead to?

What will a sharp rejection of sugar lead to
Dietitian Elena Tikhomirova said that the decision to drastically exclude sugar from your diet does not threaten with any negative health consequences. Much more dangerous is the same sharp rejection of alcohol.

According to Elena Tikhomirova, if a person wants to lose weight, a sharp rejection of foods containing a large amount of sugar will not lead to any shock consequences for his health. For example, if a person immediately quits the use of psychoactive components, which include alcoholic beverages or certain drugs, then he goes through the so-called withdrawal or withdrawal syndrome. But with the same categorical exclusion from the diet of sweets, our health does not expect anything like this.

What threatens a sharp rejection of sugar

However, to achieve noticeable success in the fight against excess weight, it is not necessary to completely exclude sweets from the diet. Stores now sell many sweets that have been made with alternatives to sugar, including stevia, considered the healthiest sweetener. And instead of flour, isomaltooligosaccharide is used – such a complex name is called a carbohydrate, which has a peculiarity – it is not absorbed by the digestive tract.

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Tikhomirova, in an interview with Izvestia, said that whey milk protein is used in the manufacture of such products, so they are not only safe for the waist, but also represent an excellent supplier of the daily required amount of protein. And if we cannot live without sweets, then it is better to switch to such less dangerous sweets. (READ MORE) Elena Tikhomirova Elena Tikhomirova healthy lifestyle doctor -therapist, dietitian “SM-Clinic”