
What products relieve autumn drowsiness: endocrinologist Pavlova

According to endocrinologist Zukhra Pavlova, chocolate can be useful in the fight against autumn lethargy and blues.

Pavlova's doctor said in an interview that autumn decrease in working capacity, drowsiness and lethargy are a common seasonal syndrome.

“Autumn weakness and drowsiness are caused by a deficiency of vitamin D and serotonin,” said the candidate of medical sciences in an interview with Sputnik radio.
Nutrition helps to increase tone and improve energy potential. In particular, speaking about what foods relieve autumn drowsiness, endocrinologist Pavlova pointed to chocolate. A piece of dark chocolate, about five grams, can have a positive stimulating effect on the brain.

“Chocolate will give tone, energy and satisfaction with serotonin.”
In addition, coffee is an effective natural activator. To get rid of autumn drowsiness, the doctor recommends using it without additives in the form of cream or sugar.

The endocrinologist named foods that should be completely excluded in diabetes

“One or two cups of the drink separately from the main intake food will help increase the level of performance during the day,” said the expert.
Pavlova added that autumn apathy may be a symptom of hormonal changes caused by adverse climatic conditions. This condition should be corrected strictly by doctors, in this case you should not rely on products. commented on a possible link between coffee drinking and osteoporosis. Zukhra Pavlova Zukhra Pavlova Healthy lifestyle endocrinologist ISEC Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov, candidate of medical sciences