
Nutritionist Ginzburg called brine one of the blood-thickening drinks

According to nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg, salt-containing drinks can thicken the blood and contribute to the development of thrombosis.

Dietitian Ginzburg spoke in an interview about blood-thickening drinks. In particular, the expert noted that drinks with added sugar have this effect. One of the most dangerous in this regard, the doctor considers a variety of sweet soda – after drinking it, the activity of the processes that ensure blood clotting increases.

The doctor also pointed out other drinks that make the blood thicker.

“Blood thickens all alcoholic and salt-containing drinks, such as brine,” Mikhail Ginzburg told Moscow 24.
The doctor recalled that due to thickening of the blood, a person is at risk of developing thrombosis. According to the specialist, the body has natural blood clotting mechanisms: they are activated when tissue damage occurs and bleeding occurs. Thickening and clotting of the blood in this case protects it from life-threatening blood loss.

Dietitian Ginzburg named the three most useful teas in autumnThe use of these drinks unnecessarily stimulates the blood clotting system – it becomes thick, although this is not physiologically necessary. As a result, blood clots (thrombi) form, which can enter the bloodstream and then into vessels or arteries and cause blockage. The development of thromboembolism (blockage of an artery by a thrombus) in some cases becomes a deadly event for a person.

Doctor Ginzburg named the main disadvantages in the diet of Russians

Earlier, the portal wrote about which vegetables nutritionists consider harmful for people with diabetes.

Important! Information provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Mikhail Ginzburg Mikhail Ginzburg healthy lifestyle Director of the Samara Research Institute of Dietology and Diet Therapy, Doctor of Medical Sciences