
Geriatrician Tkacheva pointed out the best kind of sweet in old age

fruit dessert
According to the geriatrician of the Ministry of Health Olga Tkacheva, in old age, in order to satisfy the need for a sweet taste, it is preferable to eat fruits, rather than sweets, cakes and other traditional desserts.< br>
Tkacheva noted in an interview that foods with added sugar should be consumed by older people as little as possible, up to their complete elimination from the diet. At this age, their absorption by the body is associated with particularly high health risks – such products contribute to sharp fluctuations in blood glucose levels, negatively affect the endocrine system.

As for dessert products, sweets, in which the sugar content is concentrated , then in old age they should prefer fruits, said Olga Tkacheva.

“Fructose contains fructose – it also increases glucose, but since it is also accompanied by the intake of a large amount of fiber, all this is absorbed less and excreted from the body faster,” the specialist explained to Moscow 24.
The representative of the Ministry of Health added that fiber, which is rich in many fruits, has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and its peristalsis. Due to the coarse fibers of fiber, potential toxins are more efficiently removed from the body, which can make it stronger and also helps to prolong life.

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In particular, the doctor advised eat pears, apples:

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“Apples contain useful molecules that remove old cells from our body and renew and rejuvenate.”
Earlier portal wrote that after 40 years people should change their habitual way of life.

Important!< /b> Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Olga Tkacheva Olga Tkacheva Healthy lifestyle chief freelance specialist – geriatrician of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation