
Doctor Tyazhelnikov explained how much tea should be drunk

Doctor Andrei Tyazhelnikov advised not to drink more than four cups of tea a day.

Doctor Tyazhelnikov stated in an interview that tea is good for health only when provided that the drink is not abused.

“In moderate doses, tea is very useful, because it contains tannins, which are powerful antioxidants. But if you drink too much tea, then tannins interfere with iron absorption,” the expert explained.
Speaking about how much tea you need to drink, Tyazhelnikov clarified: the optimal amount is 3 or 4 cups per day. Exceeding this amount threatens to cause insomnia and increased excitability – this effect is caused by the content of caffeine in tea. In addition, drinking tea stimulates urination, which can deprive the body of the moisture it needs.

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The doctor also drew attention to the fact that the degree of usefulness of such a drink as tea largely depends on the technology of its preparation. For example, black tea is brewed using almost 100-degree boiling water, and green tea is brewed with hot water of 60-80 degrees.

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“Any tea should be drunk soon after brewing, as the cooled drink loses all its beneficial properties,” the RIA Novosti expert said.
Earlier, the portal wrote that the famous Russian nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg spoke about the benefits of small doses of alcohol.

Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Andrey Tyazhelnikov Andrey Tyazhelnikov Healthy lifestyle chief freelance specialist in primary health care of the Moscow Department of Health