If you consume more calories than you burn, you will automatically gain weight. For now, a simple calculation. But often you are in a calorie deficit and still can't lose weight. Avoid four mistakes to finally lose extra pounds.
It seems that nothing has changed in your lifestyle, but your waist continues to grow.
1 . Lack of sleep increases appetite
The ideal amount of sleep is seven hours. Body conscious people should stick to this rule because the body's own substance, leptin, provides a pleasant feeling of fullness.
“Lack of sleep increases the production of the hormone ghrelin. This in turn increases the need for food – stupid when you are trying to lose a few extra pounds or at least maintain your weight,” says dietitian Vasilisa Ponomareva especially for MedikForum.
2. Magnesium deficiency disrupts metabolism
If these are not endogenous substances that increase appetite, then this may be a nutritional deficiency. Anyone who gets too little magnesium from food, for example, slows down their metabolism. As a result, you cannot reasonably refuse the food you eat and gain weight.
“You can recognize a deficiency by frequent calf cramps. You can prevent this by eating magnesium-rich foods such as cashew nuts and brown rice.”
3. Sugar substitutes cause cravings
While the sugar substitute promises not to overwhelm you with its low calorie count, it increases your appetite and can even make you seriously ill: In an animal experiment with alternative sweeteners, sugar substitutes caused mice to become overweight and have type 2 diabetes.
4. You eat when you just want to drink
From 1.5 to 2 liters per day is the recommended amount of fluid for a healthy person. He also urgently needs it so that his organs can function properly.
Tip: If possible, you should spread out your daily ration throughout the day and then drink it when you feel thirsty. You get to know your thirst better and don't run the risk of confusing it with hunger.
MedicalForum has previously written about the benefits of spinach.
Important! Information provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.