
Doctor Ignatikova: weight gain after barbecue is not associated with obesity

Doctor Elena Ignatikova: weight gain after barbecue picnics is usually associated with fluid retention in the body.

Therapist and nutritionist Ignatikova noted in an interview, that some weight gain after the May weekend is usually temporary and does not indicate obesity. The doctor told radio Sputnik that weight gain in this case is mainly due to excess fluid.

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“You should not panic because of a small increase, since in most cases this is a temporary effect due to fluid retention in the body due to salt and sauces in which the barbecue is marinated. In addition, the liquid is retained if you drink alcohol.
Elena Ignatikova added that the return to the usual working and everyday rhythm of life contributes to the restoration of the former shape and weight. But the nutritionist drew attention to the fact that this rule works if a person does not have problems with constant overeating and there is no obesity as a chronic problem. If, at normal weight, non-critical overeating on holidays does not cause dangerous disorders, obese people need to control calorie content and portion sizes even during these periods. “In people who suffer from chronic overeating, only 100-200 kilocalories eaten in excess of the norm can cause the deposition of excess fat,” the expert said.
Earlier, wrote that signs of liver cancer.

Important! Information provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Elena Ignatikova Elena Ignatikova Healthy lifestyle therapist, nutritionist