
Doctor Binatova called flour products and cereals provocateurs of aging

Doctor Elvina Binatova spoke about products that provoke accelerated aging of the body.

According to endocrinologist and nutritionist Elvina Binatova, provocateurs of premature or too rapid aging There are various factors, one of them is an unbalanced diet. In particular, the body can age due to addiction to flour and bakery products – especially those made from white flour.

“Once in the body, white flour turns into glucose, the excess of which negatively affects the condition of the skin. Therefore, the regular use of flour products (with or without added sugar) contributes to premature aging, ”the doctor Binatova said in an interview with Izvestia.
The specialist also called sugar-containing foods and drinks consumed in large quantities as aging provokers. The abundance of sugar has a detrimental effect on collagen, contributes to premature aging of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles.

In addition, the aging process is accelerated by a large amount of salt consumed by a person. In excess, salt leads to fluid retention, which accumulates in the intercellular space and causes edema. The skin in this case stretches, becomes thinner, becomes flabby, creases and wrinkles form on it.

“A large amount of salt is also contained in sausages. In addition, stabilizers, flavor enhancers and nitrites, which are harmful to the body, are added to them. It is better to give up sausages, replacing them with meat – a source of natural protein and amino acids,” the expert advised.
Grains should also be treated with caution. When using refined refined cereals, the body receives a large dose of simple carbohydrates processed into sugar (glucose), which negatively affects the condition of the skin.

The doctor called the products that lead to hemorrhoids and save from it

youthfulness and pasteurized dairy products. The expert said that pasteurization deprives them of almost all useful properties.

Doctor Binatova warned of possible problems due to frequent drinking of tea

Earlier, the portal wrote about how to make white bread safe for the shape.

Important! Information provided for reference only. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Elvina Binatova Elvina Binatova HLS doctor-endocrinologist, nutritionist