
Stop aging: what factors to remove from life in order to preserve youth?

young woman
Endocrinologist Natalya Liberanskaya told what factors cause an accelerated rate of aging in our body.

Old age is inevitable. Modern science, striding by leaps and bounds, has not yet found a way to reverse or stop the aging process, but it is quite possible to slow it down. Moreover, the methods for achieving the goal are much simpler than it might seem at first glance.

“They are simple and complex at the same time, because a person who wants to slow down aging will have to completely reconsider their lifestyle. In youth, we simply don’t think about it, but in adulthood it is quite difficult to do this, ”the expert says.
So, premature aging causes chronic stress. It is clear that it is impossible to completely erase stress from life, but try to at least minimize it. Influence what you can influence.

The decrease in sex hormones is another reason for the onset of early old age. A competent endocrinologist will help you decide, and with age, hormone replacement therapy.

Sleep disorders – observe sleep and rest, the body restores resources in sleep.

Active tanning – try to avoid it! Between a beautiful skin tone for a short period of time and maintaining beauty and youth, the choice is obvious!

Smoking and alcohol – completely give up bad habits. Challenges lie in wait for our body at every step.

Factors are listed – the precursors of the body's imminent old age

Infectious diseases – treat them on time, do not ignore and do not start.

Nutritionists told , what habits accelerate aging

Long-term inflammatory processes – this point follows from the previous one. Do not let inflammation turn into chronic and settle in your body for a long time. Natalia Liberanskaya Natalya Liberanskaya Health Endocrinologist