
Sleeping more on weekends can lead to a stroke or heart attack

long sleep
A study has shown that even a small increase in sleep time on weekends can have dangerous consequences for health, the Daily Mail informed.

Sleep style more on weekends can lead to a stroke or heart attack, experts from King's College London concluded. According to their data, negative changes in the state of the body and health can occur even if sleep on weekends does not increase too significantly compared to sleep on workdays. week

“A slight change in wake-up time can markedly disrupt the body's biological rhythms and increase the risk of heart attacks, obesity and strokes,” the Daily Mail quoted the researchers as saying.
As part of their work, they analyzed the data of 934 people who had no problems with weight and health, and slept at least 7 hours a day. The volunteers were checked for the state of the intestinal microbiome, stool, and blood was also examined. The scientists found that when people slept longer on weekends, the composition of their gut microbiota changed. In particular, the number of “bad” intestinal bacteria increased, whose activity in the body stimulates the development of inflammatory processes and associated pathologies. It is with the increase in the population of these intestinal bacteria that science links people's susceptibility to obesity, heart attacks and strokes.

Sleep a little. Named a simple way to avoid a heart attack

“90 extra minutes in bed is enough to disrupt the internal biological clock, which affects a number of functions from immunity to digestion,” the researchers stated.
Earlier portal wrote that startling sleep may indicate epilepsy and cancer.

Important! Info provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first sign of illness, consult a doctor.