
Rospotrebnadzor named 3 rules that must be followed in the heat, therapist Andreeva told what to do if a heat stroke occurs

Rospotrebnadzor named 3 rules that must be followed in the heat, therapist Andreeva told what to do if a heat stroke occurs
During hot weather, it is especially important to take care of your health, especially for those who suffer from hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity, emphasized Mikhail Lebedev, leading expert of Rospotrebnadzor.

Firstly, the expert advises minimizing exposure to the street during the daytime hours, when the sun is most aggressive, and limiting physical activity. For those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases or hypertension, it is recommended to avoid going outside altogether and prefer to stay indoors with air conditioning, maintaining control over blood pressure.

Secondly, the expert recommends choosing loose clothing and preferring light fabrics, avoiding synthetics, and also not forgetting about a hat that will help protect the head from overheating.

“There are recommendations for fluid intake. For a person weighing 50-55 kg at a temperature of up to 23 degrees, 1.5 liters per day is considered optimal. At a temperature of 25-29 degrees – already 2 liters. At a temperature above 30 degrees – 2.5-3 liters,” the expert notes.
You should increase your daily water intake if you plan to engage in vigorous physical activity in the heat. It is important to drink cool water to avoid hypothermia, the specialist emphasizes.

“Sunstroke or heatstroke is a serious condition that requires immediate intervention,” says therapist Irina Andreeva specially for MedicForum.< /b>

Move the victim to the shade

“If someone suffers heatstroke or sunstroke, immediately move them to the shade or a cool place. Avoid direct sunlight.”

Cool the body

Remove excess clothing, use a fan to circulate air, and apply cold compresses to the neck, forehead, and armpits. You can also use ice towels or soak your feet in cool water.

Drink water

Give the person cool water or electrolyte solutions to drink to replace lost fluids and salts.
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Seek medical help

If the victim's condition does not improve or worsens, immediately call an ambulance or consult a doctor. Heatstroke can lead to serious complications.

Monitor the victim

Until help arrives, continue to monitor the victim's condition, keeping him comfortable and conscious.

If he loses consciousness or stops breathing, begin resuscitation immediately until medical help arrives.

“Heat stroke is a serious condition and quick action can save the victim's life. Do not hesitate to seek help and follow the above recommendations,” advises Andreeva.

Earlier, MedicForum wrote about the health hazards of using dishes with scale.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.