
Phlebologist Shishkin warned about the exacerbation of varicose veins that occurs in the spring

pain in the legs
Phlebologist Andrey Shishkin: increased heat in the spring can negatively affect the condition of the veins and provoke an exacerbation of varicose veins.

Phlebologist Shishkin warned about an exacerbation that occurs in the spring varicose veins.

“Varicosis in the form of dilation and curvature of veins most often manifests itself in the lower extremities, worsening in the spring and summer,” he said in a comment to the St. Petersburg TV channel.
Shishkin explained that such an exacerbation is caused by exposure to higher air temperatures. Due to the increasing heat, the veins begin to expand, which slows down the flow of blood, which with varicose veins is already slower compared to healthy veins. As a result, unfavorable symptoms may occur that indicate a deterioration in the condition of the veins – pain, redness, swelling, hardening of the veins.

“Many patients are brought to the doctor by a nagging, aching pain that intensifies in the evening. It is due to the fact that the blood cannot fully rise up,” the phlebologist said about the manifestation of varicose veins.
Andrei Shishkin emphasized that varicose veins that have arisen must be treated, otherwise dangerous complications and consequences may arise. In particular, people with this problem become susceptible to the development of thrombosis, both in the saphenous and deep veins. Such thrombosis is associated with the appearance of ulcers and blockages of the arteries, which can be the cause of life-threatening disturbances in the functioning of the heart, lungs, and brain.

“If an exacerbation occurs in the form of thrombosis, then acute pain occurs in the place where the blood clot has formed “, the expert warned.
The portal previously wrote that increased yawning may indicate the onset of a heart attack.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Andrey Shishkin Andrey Shishkin Health phlebologist, surgeon