
Neurologist Anikina: migraine is different from ordinary headache intolerance

Neurologist Marina Anikina: intolerance to various irritants distinguishes migraine from ordinary headaches.

Neurologist Anikina spoke in an interview about conditions that make it possible to identify emerging migraine. The specialist said that migraine is characterized by intolerance to some environmental components – for example, bright light.

“Migraine is accompanied by autonomic disorders: it is intolerance to light, sound or smell,” the doctor told Moscow 24.
Marina Anikina added that it is often the smell factor that triggers migraine.
Another distinguishing characteristic of migraine is pain in only one half of the head.

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“The distribution of pain can be forward or backward from the temple, from the back of the head, from the level of the neck, ”the neurologist clarified.
According to Anikina, people who have migraines have a significantly increased risk of stroke. A tendency to it means that there are vascular or neuroinflammatory disorders that increase the susceptibility to thrombosis.

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Earlier, the portal wrote that the tendency to swelling of the legs may indicate an existing disease.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Marina Anikina Marina Anikina Zdorovye neurologist, candidate of medical sciences