
Losing weight with oatmeal: a nutritionist talks about a diet that will help you lose weight in the fall

Lose weight with oatmeal: a nutritionist talks about a diet that will help you lose weight in the fall

Do you like porridge and want to lose a few kilograms? Then the porridge diet is just for you. With this fall diet, you won't have to go hungry and can achieve long-term weight loss success.

Porridge is a very popular breakfast for many people. Porridge sprinkled with seasonal fruits or a little honey not only tastes good, but also keeps you feeling full for a long time. We'll show you how to achieve long-term weight loss success with breakfast cereal.

This makes oats a superfood

Much of it is associated with many cuisines around the world, but most importantly it is a true superfood. There is also long carbon fiber that can be placed with high quality carbohydrates.

“Fiber provides a slow increase in blood sugar levels and, thus, volume. The reason for this is that it prevents you from getting this sugar in excess,” says nutritionist Vasilisa Ponomareva specially for MedicForum.
Oats are also very filling because it swells in the stomach. Another benefit of the superfood is that it stimulates digestion.

“The minerals and vitamins contained in oats also provide strong hair and healthy nails.”

Build muscle mass thanks to oats

Oats It also prevents the body from breaking down muscle too quickly. Especially with strict diets, you can quickly lose muscle mass.

Here's how to prepare low-calorie autumn porridge

As with any diet, calories are key in the oatmeal diet.

“Even though porridge is generally healthy, you should pay attention to the caloric content of individual ingredients if you want to lose weight with porridge,” the nutritionist said.
Depending on how you prepare the porridge, it may contain different amounts of calories and microelements. Oatmeal and water porridge has the fewest calories, but also contains less protein and fiber than versions with fruit fillings and nut butters.

Oatmeal Diet: These ingredients are needed per serving

  • 50 g oatmeal
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 130 ml water
  • Fillings of your choice (eg , seasonal fruits or nuts).

Here's how to cook porridge

  1. Heat water in a kettle.
  2. Put the oatmeal in a bowl with a pinch of salt and pour boiling water over it.
  3. Mix the porridge well until you get a creamy consistency and wait about 10 minutes. Now add your favorite toppings to the porridge – enjoy your meal.

This is how a porridge diet helps you lose weight

This diet does not involve replacing every meal with porridge. The porridge is designed to start the day low in calories, yet rich in nutrients, and keep you feeling full for a long time.

“Breakfast porridge combined with the low-calorie, nutrient-dense and balanced diet below your calorie needs will help you lose weight,” explains nutritionist Ponomareva.

Earlier, MedicForum wrote about foods that you should eat before bed.

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