
Doctor Stepanova named the top 10 healthy foods for the heart, cardiologist Varfolomeev explained why exercise makes your heart healthy

Doctor Stepanova named the top 10 healthy foods for the heart, cardiologist Varfolomeev explained why exercise makes your heart healthy

According to the expert, diseases of the circulatory system are the leading cause of death worldwide. However, committing to a healthy lifestyle is completely doable. For example, feelings of loneliness can increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease by 30%, as reported by Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Lifestyle and daily routine can have a significant impact on your heart health. Major risk factors include consuming excess salt, alcohol, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and sleep disorders.

To improve heart health, it is important to stop smoking and limit alcohol consumption.

It is also necessary to implement into daily life proper nutrition and regular sleep. Regular health care can bring significant results.

At the first sign of cardiovascular disease, such as rapid heartbeat, chest pain, or throbbing in the chest, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Proper nutrition plays a key role in maintaining a healthy heart and blood vessels.

Ten foods, the use of which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

1. Garnet.
2. Walnuts.
3. Avocado.
4. Flaxseed.
5. Spinach.
6. Broccoli.
7. Cereal grains, especially unshelled oats.
8. Pumpkin.
9. Legumes.
10. Apples.

Thus, regular consumption of these foods may have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, helping to reduce the risk of serious diseases.

“Not only nutrition, but also physical activity plays a key role in preventing cardiovascular disease and maintaining overall health. Regular exercise improves heart function, increasing its efficiency and reducing the risk of developing heart diseases such as myocardial infarction and hypertension. Physical activity helps lowering cholesterol levels in the blood and controlling blood pressure,” says cardiologist Oleg Varfolomeev specifically for MedicForum.
Regular exercise helps burn excess calories and maintain a healthy weight. Obesity is a major risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease, so physical activity helps reduce this risk.

Physical activity stimulates your metabolism, which helps your body use oxygen and nutrients more efficiently. This helps prevent the occurrence of many cardiovascular diseases.

Earlier, MedicForum wrote about the dangers of semolina.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.