
Doctor Romanenko named chest pain and weakness among the signs of a microinfarction

Doctor Tatyana Romanenko: a person may not understand that he has experienced a micro-infarction.

The term “microinfarction” itself suggests that the resulting cardiac pathology is not as significant compared to a classic infarction. However, the person who has it must definitely see a doctor, be examined, observed and follow medical recommendations – therapist Tatyana Romanenko spoke about this in an interview.

According to the specialist, with a microinfarction small lesions appear in the heart areas of necrosis are the consequences of a circulatory disorder. A person does not die from a microinfarction, but his quality of life deteriorates, and its duration can be significantly reduced.

Romanenko named chest pain among the signs of this event.

“A microinfarction can manifest itself as pain in the heart area and behind the sternum. If such symptoms appear, this is a reason to suspect problems with the coronary arteries,” the doctor shared with Moskva 24.
Other possible symptoms:

  • General discomfort.
  • Weakness.
  • Feeling of suffocation, lack of air.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the chest.

If the listed conditions occur, it is recommended to promptly consult a doctor and checking the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the expert emphasized.

Earlier, the portal wrote about symptoms indicating the development of a stroke.

Important! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Tatiana Romanenko Tatyana Romanenko Health general practitioner