
Doctor Korenevich named foods that make blood thick like syrup, doctor Zakharova told how to prevent the formation of blood clots

Doctor Korenevich named foods that make the blood thick like syrup, doctor Zakharova told how to prevent the formation of blood clots

Cardiologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences Anna Korenevich pointed out common mistakes in nutrition , calling for people to stop dieting because they are dangerous for the heart. However, there are also foods that really should be limited.

As the doctor stated on her YouTube channel, we all understand that delicious (and often unhealthy) food is a great stress reliever. However, consuming such food on a regular basis provokes obesity. Trying to cope with excess weight, a person again drives himself into a stressful situation.

“When struggling with the consequences of stress, for example, obesity, a person ends up in a vicious circle,” noted the cardiologist, advising against dieting.< br>The result will not be lasting and threatens, among other things, with exacerbation of problems with the heart and blood vessels, the doctor added, recommending working with the subconscious. Stress is the root cause, the cardiologist emphasized.

As for foods that are harmful to the blood and heart, which provoke, for example, the risk of thrombosis, the doctor pointed out theconsumption of sugar and simple carbohydrates. Such food increases the viscosity of the blood, making it thick.

“The blood becomes like syrup,” the doctor noted, adding that as a result the risk of thrombosis increases.
It’s worth being If there is a risk of thrombosis, be careful with foods that contain a lot of vitamin K. If you have too much of it, you can aggravate the situation. In the list – green tea, spinach, green vegetables, pork and beef liver.

“Blood clots, or thrombosis, can be a dangerous condition that can lead to serious complications, including stroke, myocardial infarction and thrombosis in the deep veins, which can cause pulmonary embolism. Preventing thrombosis is important for maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system,” says general practitioner Tatyana Zakharova specially for MedicForum.

Physical activity

Regular moderate exercise can improve circulation and reduce the risk of clots.

“Walking, swimming, cycling and other forms of aerobic exercise are recommended for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week,” says doctor .

Proper nutrition

Eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids (eg fish, nuts, flax seeds), antioxidants (fruits, vegetables, green tea) and dietary fiber (whole grains, vegetables, fruits) may help reduce the risk of thrombosis.
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Drink enough water

“Drinking enough water throughout the day helps keep the blood fluid and prevents it from thickening.”

Avoid prolonged immobility

< br>If you must sit or stand for long periods of time, pause regularly to stretch, move, or do simple exercises for your legs and feet.

Weight control

Avoid excess weight, since obesity increases the risk of thrombosis.

Avoid smoking

Smoking increases the risk of thrombosis, as nicotine constricts blood vessels and increases blood viscosity.

Use compression stockings

B If necessary, your doctor may recommend the use of compression stockings to help improve blood flow and prevent clots from forming, especially when sitting or standing for long periods of time.

“Remember that regular consultation with your doctor and following lifestyle recommendations will help you effectively control the risk of thrombosis and maintain the health of the heart and blood vessels,” emphasizes Zakharova.

Earlier, MedicForum wrote about the causes of high cholesterol.

Important< span style="color:#fc272d;">! Information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.