
Doctor Demyanovskaya: night activity will lead to endocrine and other diseases

work at night
Doctor Ekaterina Demyanovskaya: if a person is active at night, this can seriously undermine his health.

Doctor Demyanovskaya said that a change in the daily routine, due to which a person has nocturnal activity, and sleep shifts during the daytime, negatively affects the production of hormones. In particular, on the production of cortisol and melatonin – the main managers of the body's biorhythms.

“Cortisol regulates metabolism, is responsible for the production and consumption of energy, and activates all available reserves in case of stressful situations. At night, in the dark, cortisol becomes less, at this time melatonin is more actively produced, which helps the body to fall asleep, recover and cope with the stresses experienced during the day, ”Demyanovskaya shared with Gazeta.Ru.
The doctor warned that in a person who becomes active at night and sleeps during the day, this natural process of hormonal production is disrupted.

“During the daytime, melatonin is produced poorly, and it is not so effective. For this reason, night sleep is difficult to replace with daytime sleep: it is of less quality and deeper,” the doctor explained.
The specialist added that the lack of a normal night's sleep not only contributes to the fact that a person is deprived of the opportunity to fully relax and becomes prone to psycho-emotional disorders. Due to the ongoing hormonal changes, metabolic processes change, and therefore dangerous diseases can occur. Doctor Demyanovskaya stated that night activity will lead to endocrine and other diseases.

“There is a risk of developing endocrine diseases (for example, diabetes), cardiovascular pathologies, infertility,” she informed.
Earlier portal wrote about how solar flares can affect health.

Important! The information is provided for reference purposes. Ask a specialist about contraindications and side effects and under no circumstances self-medicate. Seek medical attention at the first sign of illness.

Ekaterina Demyanovskaya Ekaterina Demyanovskaya Health neurologist