How to avoid illness during ARVI and flu season: expert opinion

At the end of January, Rospotrebnadzor recorded a new round of growth in the incidence of influenza and ARVI: about 978 thousand cases were registered1. Current issues in the prevention and treatment of ARVI and COVD-19 were discussed by leading experts at the Polyoxidonium Talks conference in Mosco

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At what speed should pregnant women drive over a speed bump?

Engineers have given pregnant women safety advice while traveling by car. They explained how to best cross road speed limit bumps, often called speed bumps. The study that inspired this recommendation was published in the Journal of Biomechanics. 14500 At the moment when the car overcomes a bump to

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Exhaustion doubles heart attack risk in men

Russian scientists have discovered that vital exhaustion is dangerous for men's heart health. They reported their new data at an online conference of the European Society of Cardiology.  10084 Vital exhaustion Exhaustion is a combination of extreme fatigue, demoralization, and increasing irrita

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Residents of green areas have a lower risk of strokes

Scientists examined the risk of stroke in people who live in areas with varying degrees of greenery. They reported on the new data at a virtual conference of the American Stroke Association. The study's press release is posted on the American Heart Association website. 11572 The study authors e

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Endometriosis: treatment or will it go away on its own?

Constant pain in the pelvic area, which intensifies during menstruation, discomfort during sex, weakness and increased fatigue - all these The symptoms are familiar to women suffering from endometriosis. How to treat this disease and is there a chance that serious intervention will not be required?

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