Not all adults should drink milk: doctor Tikhomirova

If a person has lactase deficiency, drinking milk is contraindicated for him, - Elena Tikhomirova, a therapist and nutritionist, recalled in an interview.Doctor Tikhomirova explained in an interview with that lactase is a pancreatic enzyme. Thanks to its production, the body normally absor

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Fish oil provides protection against COVID-19

Regular consumption of fish oil has proven to be very effective in protecting against the severe effects of the coronavirus. This conclusion was made by researchers from the UK. Surveying more than 110,000 people with an average age of 55 has shown that supplemental fish oil provides some protection

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Coffee linked to hypertension

One of the world's most popular beverages is strongly associated with acute increases in blood pressure. This is the conclusion reached by Polish scientists.Hypertension is an insidious pathology that increases the risk of severe problems of the cardiovascular system, including heart attacks and

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Five morning activities that make you healthier

Doctors say that the morning routine can determine the whole day mood, tone, and more globally affects overall health.The next five morning activities help to make your health much stronger.Meditation. It allows you to focus on what needs to be done in the coming time, besides this is a great moment

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