
Scientists have found new links between blood type and the risk of certain diseases

People with certain blood types are more likely to develop pregnancy hypertension and kidney stones. This was shown by a new study published in eLife.

Scientists have found new connections between blood type and the risk of certain diseases 13107

Scientists from the Karolinska Institute used information from Sweden's complete database of donors and blood transfusions: about 5.1 million people. With its help, they analyzed the relationship between blood groups (according to the ABO and Rh factor systems) and more than 1,200 diseases.

The study authors note: it was previously known that people with blood group 0 (I) develop cardiovascular diseases less frequently than people with groups A (II) and B (III). In their work, they confirmed these and a number of other old data, and also found some new connections.

In total, scientists have discovered a connection between blood groups and 49 diseases. People with blood type A were more at risk of developing blood clots in their blood vessels, while those with blood group 0 were more at risk of bleeding disorders. Also, women with group 0 are more likely to develop arterial hypertension during pregnancy. The authors clarified that a positive Rh factor (Rh+) is associated with this pathology.

A new discovery by the study authors was the correlation between blood groups and the risk of developing kidney stones. People with type B have a lower risk of developing them compared to carriers of blood of other groups.

Scientists believe that the discovery of a connection between blood type and certain pathologies is only a link in the chain of studying diseases and combating them.

“Our findings highlight new and interesting links between blood type and conditions such as kidney stones and hypertension in pregnancy. They provide the basis for further research into the mechanisms of development of these diseases or for the development of new diagnostic and treatment methods,” said Professor Gustaf Edgren, co-author of the study.