
Omicron could infect half of Europe, WHO says

Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, said more than 50% could become infected with the omicron strain of coronavirus in the next 6-8 weeks inhabitants of Europe. He gave such a forecast, based on data from the American Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.

Omicron could infect half of Europe, WHO says 2052

Kruge assured that the available vaccines provide good protection against severe illness and death. But he noted that due to the rapid spread of infection, the burden on healthcare is expected to be high.

Omicrons are also expected in Russia. Denis Logunov, deputy director of the Gamaleya Center, said that in late January-early February, another wave of morbidity awaits us. The lethality of omicron, according to the Gamaleya Center, is 4-17 times lower than that of previous variants of the coronavirus. However, this does not speak of the “lightness” of the strain.

“I am absolutely sure that before the end of January – in early February we will also have a significant increase in the incidence of the Omicron strain,” he said.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin today, 11 January, reported an increase in the number of cases of omicron. The mayor said that the city needs to prepare for “more critical developments.” According to Rospotrebnadzor, the epidemiological situation in Russia is deteriorating. More than 300 cases of infection with the omicron strain have been identified in 13 regions.

In an unfavorable scenario, the incidence of coronavirus in Russia may exceed 100,000 people per day. Meanwhile, in the United States over the past day, one million one hundred and fifty thousand cases of infection per day were recorded. This is an absolute world record.