
Guillain-Barré syndrome, which arose in Chubais: features of this disease

Anatoly Chubais
A rare syndrome that occurs in connection with the immune response was identified in the former statesman Anatoly Chubais, the disease is associated with damage to the nervous system.

It became known that 67-year-old Anatoly Chubais, who left for Europe, was hospitalized (Ksenia Sobachk was the first to inform about this, reporting a sudden limb failure). She quoted the ex-politician himself:

“I was hospitalized in one of the European clinics with a diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome.”
What are the features of this disease? Answering a question, immunologist Vladimir Bolibok said in an interview that this disease is rare in nature, its trigger is a specific immune response of the body to an infectious agent.

It has been proven that the Zika virus can cause paralysis
“Such a response of the immune system is very rare – in some people for various infections”, – quotes the physician “360”,
Bolibok clarified that Guillain-Barré syndrome is characterized by damage to peripheral nerves, due to which they cease to be conductors of nerve impulses. According to the doctor, this pathological process can occur as a reaction of the body to almost any infection, for example, to coronavirus. In some cases, it occurs spontaneously, the focus of the disease is not detected.

COVID-19 can cause the rarest Guillain-Barré syndrome

“In this syndrome, a person feels weak, cannot rise. Its dangerous consequence is paralysis of the respiratory muscles, when the most negative scenario is possible. If paresis occurs and prolonged muscle atrophy begins, it can become irreversible,” said Vladimir Bolibok.
In turn, immunologist Nikolai Kryuchkov noted in his commentary that hyperesthesia can be mistaken for Guillain-Barré syndrome. This condition, characterized by damage to the peripheral nervous system, has become more common in people with coronavirus infection. Vladimir Bolibok Vladimir Bolibok Persons doctor allergist-immunologist