
The head of WHO asks not to forget about vaccination

The head of WHO asks not to forget about vaccination
The Director General of the World Health Organization Tedros Ghebreyesus insists that countries should not refuse vaccination and revaccination. And any rosy statistics on the number of cases should not push them to this.

According to Ghebreyesus, it is necessary to achieve vaccination coverage of at least 70% of the inhabitants of each state and region. True, this will clearly not be enough, since after a few months, vaccinated people again become vulnerable to almost the same extent as unvaccinated people. It is for this reason that herd immunity in Russia is now less than 7%, although more than 50% of the population has received vaccines.

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WHO chief says vulnerable populations need to be vaccinated first. These are pensioners, and people with chronic diseases, and victims of obesity, and healthcare workers who have contact with carriers of the virus. During the first wave of the pandemic, it was doctors who died more often than other professions.

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Fortunately, there was in the words of Gebreisus, which he said at a session of the WHO Committee, and some positive. He noted that humanity is now in the best position to finally end the pandemic. True, over the past week, the incidence of coronavirus in the world has increased by 20%. (READ MORE) Tedros Ghebreyesus Tedros Ghebreyesus Medicine General Secretary of the World Health Organization