
Scientist Ginzburg: Cancer patients with melanoma and lung cancer will be the first to test the cancer vaccine

According to the director of the Gamaleya National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Alexander Ginzburg, the new cancer vaccine can be obtained first of all with melanoma and small cell lung cancer as part of clinical trials.

— We are currently working with melanoma, because it is simply technically easier to work with melanoma. It is superficial, everything is visible, but there will be others, — the scientist noted.

Studies are also already being conducted on other models, such as small cell lung cancer. This disease kills 1.2-1.3 million people worldwide.

A mass study of the drug on a large number of people is not expected due to the individuality of the drug, Ginuburg clarified. Preclinical trials have already been completed.

Director of the Research Institute of Experimental Diagnostics and Therapy of Tumors at the Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology Vyacheslav Kosorukov previously said that Russia would soon begin testing a cancer vaccine. It will be created for each patient based on their genome and the tumor genome.

The drug cannot be considered a “miracle cure”, but it will give “a great chance of prolonging life” to thousands of patients. Kosorukov also noted that the new vaccine is effective against certain types of cancer, such as melanoma. In the future, the list, according to him, may include lung cancer, some types of gastrointestinal cancer and, possibly, kidney cancer.

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